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YGGLLAN: Happy Easter

Dear learners, parents and guardians,


Having reached the end of another successful school term, it is time to thank you all for your continued support of our school throughout the year to date, and specifically this week.


It has been a privilege to open our doors to Estyn. I am unable to share the content of the report until it is published on 05.06.23, but I would like to thank all involved for their hard work and support during their visit. I take great pride in what Estyn has experienced with us, having met with you the learners, parents, staff and governors. I am grateful that they had the opportunity to witness our core values and the ethos of Team Llan, along with the excellent work we achieve as a school. Thank you so much to you all.


May we all enjoy a well-deserved break over the Easter holidays. I would like to remind those learners who will shortly be sitting their exams the importance of organising their work, preparing to revise, but also to find time to relax.


I wish you all a very happy Easter.



Meurig Jones
